Leadership development has grown incredibly in the past 20 years
We have filled that space with many (worthwhile) mirrors. Self-awareness training and 360 surveys, coaching on leadership styles, emotional intelligence, public speaking and negotiation tips, etc.
Leaders have many tools today to help them reflect on how they occupy the frontstage, manage impressions, and lead interpersonally.
But that leadership development space has too few windows.
We need leaders who can be honest with themselves, but we also need leaders who can see the reality around them. Leaders who understand that a big part of their work in strategy development requires understanding and shaping the organizational context.
This book is about backstage leadership work. It is about 5 fundamental processes that leaders need to understand, craft, and own in order to develop effective strategies.
1. Scanning and Sensemaking
2. Commitment and Mobilization
3. Maintaining (not dissolving) Contradictions
4. Norm and Culture Building
5. Talent & Capability Development
This work is not always glamorous, it’s seldom in the spotlight, but it reminds us that (senior) leaders have much more impact indirectly, through the way that they shape people’s context. That work is often silent, invisible, and at some distance, but crucial to understand and get right.